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Wednesday, 21 July 2010
In Case You Missed It: June 7 - June 13

The biggest problem with having Steve Jobs kick off the WWDC with the iPhone 4 announcement is that all the developer news that also happened gets buried in the press that follows. We would gladly trade three "Steve Jobs Couldn't Get Wi-Fi To Work" articles for just one great new app announcement or dongle sweetness article.

Well, we haven't forgotten that other news happens, so join the Mac|Life stafff, won't you, for all the other stuff that happened this week that isn't just about the iPhone.


- Free App Fridays: Writing - There's not a thing in the world quite like good quality free software. And if you're a writer, there are literally hundreds of choices. We've narrowed that down to three gotta haves for your Apple products for when you just have to get that idea out onto the screen.

- Facebook Games Showcase: Café World & Little Rock Pool - Of course, you're not going to get any writing done if you gets sucked into the gaming world on Facebook, but there are some pretty fun time killers nonetheless.


- iPhone and iPad Tips of the Week - June 10, 2010 - This regular feature can help you learn a thing or two that you might not have stumbled on yourself. Want to check your iPhone data usage? Want to find an app quickly? Keep reading.

- How-To Watch the World Cup on Your Mac, iPhone and iPad - See, now, there are things that happen that don't involve Apple products, like the World Cup. But since our readers are Apple junkies, there must be some way to bring futbol and iProducts together. Well we've got the best of the best all ready for you to shout GOOOOOOOOAAAALLLLLLLL!!!!!!


- Guitar Apps for the iPad - The Six-String Thing - Maybe sports isn't really your thing. Or maybe just not soccer. No, maybe you're more a rocking out kinda guy. If that's the case, app developers are taking advantage of all that big screen goodness on the iPad to hook you up with plenty of six-string love.

- Star Walk - While a lot of apps make use of the iPad's greater screen size to cram more stuff in, an often overlooked wonderful addition is how much more beauty you can see. Star Walk takes the familiar iPhone app and brings the gorgeous night sky and interstellar space to the big screen. Nokia DKE 2 Data Cable Retail Packaging. And at $4.99? That's a steal, people.

ipad iphone robots



Of course, of course, we're getting to it. Yes, the iPhone 4 was announced, with pre-orders beginning next week and shipping out the week after. Meanwhile, feast your eyes on the sexiness in our photo gallery...and here's the rates on what kind of data you'll be chewing through thanks to AT&T...plus, the list of where to buy your newest iPhone is growing as Radio Shack joins the list....Wal-Mart's getting in on this action too, though with Apple's tight price controls, it's not like they can offer quite the deep cuts they'd like to...or if you're across the pond (wondering why England could only TIE the US soccer team), here's when you can get your iPhone there...and if this leak is to be believed, Apple plans on shipping a whole bunch of the new handsets; how many? How does 3 million a month sound?...just don't drop it when you get your hands on the new iPhone, because iFixYouri claims the new model is going to break, and a lot.

Of course, the feature packed iOS 4 will be coming along shortly too, and for some people with beta versions of the software, iBooks is showing up already...maybe instead of worrying so much about rolling out iBooks, Cupertino can figure out their Wi-Fi issues, as these gurus are betting the keynote gaffe was related to iOS 4's drivers...maybe someone can look into the Gold Master release and see if there isn't something glitchy going on in there; perhaps someone in the jailbreak community.... since Apple doesn't seem to be able to keep the dev community from popping the locks on the iOS action, as one enterprising hacker's already jailbroken it.... of course, all that jailbreaking will need updates once iOS goes live with a RC on June 21, though we're sure they'll get around to it...and apparently Apple got around to nabbing the iOS name from Cisco, much like how they got the iPhone name and the iPad from Fujitsu.

Meanwhile, the iPad's been making some news, first because AT&T is often a bag of fail and managed to leave a gaping hole in their network that Goatse Security drove a truck right through...upon driving said truck, Goatse loaded up on sensitive email addresses attached to the SIMs of these iPads, but whose fault was it really? inquiring minds want to know...of course we know who in government got their hands on the tablet, as many of the emails grabbed were attached to Washington bigwigs...which means of course that now the FBI is going to get themselves interested in this...in more jolly iPad news, the on-again-off-again Hulu saga continues to get new wrinkles...and Hulu better get on the stick, because mobilely speaking, netbooks are looking less and less likely to be around much longer...and we can't tell if this is the coolest iPad action we've seen lately...or if these walking robot iPhones and iPads are. You tell us.

Alternative sites to check out on Quit Facebook Day

Posted by vitavilolu-phone at 6:12 PM EDT

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